The 24/7 non-stop AI religion brings healing or hidden dangers.

AI Jesus is a 24/7 working AI chatbot that appeared after Chat GPT, virtualizing the image of Jesus on the internet, and using current advanced technology to build out an AI product on Christian thought.

AI Jesus mimics traditional religious forms of teaching and guidance during the chatting process, mainly in the sense that it can provide people with spiritual support and life guidance no matter when and where they are.

The combination of AI and religion is a product of the development of the times, but at the same time, it also brings challenges to the country’s digital policy and governance, triggering heated discussions about the application of AI between religion and social culture.

In today’s rapid development of AI, automation, algorithms, and datafication, such as balancing the consistency of technology and cultural traditions, how to ensure the transparency and privacy of datafication and algorithms, and how to deal with and prevent social problems that may occur under the constraints of digital policy and governance, has become a topic that urgently needs to be discussed and thought about.

Artificial intelligence is simply the use of computers to simulate humans to complete tasks. Automation is the process of completing a task, and using a machine word can reduce or eliminate unexpected situations that may occur to humans and increase the accuracy and efficiency of completing the task. Algorithms are the instructions in the completion of the task, which can process and analyze the information obtained from the data and then get the optimal solution. Datafication refers to the process of collecting the information and instructions that arise and turning them into data that can be quantified and analyzed.

Jesus AI is to add to the already existing Chat GPT AI, add religious-related information data, use algorithms of religious people’s behavioral patterns, and automate the generation of answers that match the settings.

The reality is that churches and priests are not allowed to be around at all times, the emergence of AI Jesus solves this problem to a large extent Jesus talks to people 24/7 without interruptions, making it possible for some emotions to be confided in and resolved promptly.

Provides personalized religious, moral, and psychological guidance. Because of its data-driven nature, it allows people to have timely answers to their religious beliefs and promotes the spread and growth of religion.

But as his official website reveals:

“The Jesus AI is not meant to replace or represent any religious figure. The generated content is for educational purposes only and may contain inaccuracies and biases.”

This means that the Jesus AI will not be able to replace a human being for the time being, and there will be some inaccuracies in the generated content that may cause unintended harm.

Algorithmic Transparency and Fairness in Artificial Intelligence

According to the research (Just & Latzer, 2016), we can determine that compared to reality construction by traditional mass media, algorithmic reality construction tends to increase individualization, commercialization, inequalities, and deterritorialization and decrease transparency, controllability, and predictability. We can determine that compared to reality construction by traditional mass media.

AI’s algorithms are usually complex, not monolithic and linear, and rely on a large amount of data information feeds.AI Jesus’s algorithms are fed with personal information profiles of the customers and analysis of the user’s conversations to deduce what is needed by the user. As a result, different people will get different answers. The transparency of the algorithm is grey. Users won’t know what incoming data is being used to analyze and interpret to generate answers, and the algorithmic operations of the AI are not visible.

How do you ensure that everyone gets the correct neutral religiously relevant content from the algorithm, and does it generate distorted, biased content? Can it do so without discriminating or favoring any particular group? The output of the algorithm should be fair to all. Inputting the same content should produce the same output and should not take into account the user’s background or special circumstances.

“It argues that – similar to the construction of realities by traditional mass media – automated algorithmic selection applications shape daily lives and realities, affect the perception of the world, and influence behavior.” (Just & Latzer, 2016 )

So, the algorithms of AI need discussion and governance in terms of transparency and fairness. Firstly, with regards to transparency with algorithms, governments and regulators can create regulations that require those developing such AI to disclose the relevant and algorithmic principles or processes, so that the general public is aware of exactly what informational data is being used and collected about them. In this way, the transparency of the algorithms’ operations can be increased. It can also be regulated through third-party or government auditing platforms to promote transparency in the process of generating content.

For the fairness of the algorithms, clear guidelines can be set for the algorithms, making it clear that efforts should be made to avoid bias and discrimination in the design and application of the algorithms. In the process of training algorithms, the diversity of data objects selected should be ensured to avoid the occurrence of a situation where the fairness of the generated results is affected by the singularity of the data fed.

Develop relevant digital governance treaties and establish mechanisms and institutions to assess and regulate the fairness of algorithms. Adopt regular checks and measurements, and take timely measures to correct the operation of the algorithm if necessary.

Privacy and security issues with datafication.

“Needless to say, networked technology complicates these dynamics, to the point where most people find themselves constantly negotiating between disclosure, concealment, and connection.”(Marwick & Boyd, 2018)

AI Jesus intelligently generates content by collecting data from users. It may collect personal information about the user, such as the geographical location of life, the user’s social environment, the user’s national origin, and the user’s religious beliefs. With the use of a large-scale crowd, there will be a large-scale collection and storage of personal privacy to optimize the computer algorithms to derive more accurate and relevant answers.

But at the same time, how to ensure that the information is not leaked, the data storage and processing system is not able to ensure that it is not invaded by stronger artificial intelligence or collected data. It may lead to the leakage of user data abuse or improper sale transactions. This can cause irreparable harm to the person, reputation, and even property and life of the person whose information is being collected.

Therefore, how to reasonably and legally collect and store user’s data to protect personal security and privacy is a very important part.

The response strategy of digital policy and governance related to this is that the regulation of AI should be strengthened, not only in the aspect of religious AI. Listing relevant regulations for all AI products that collect specific information about individuals is permissible within certain limits to collect data from users. However, it needs to be ensured that the stored data complies with the strict requirements of laws and regulations for the protection of user privacy and security. No trading of personal data is allowed.

Secondly, it is necessary to vigorously publicize the importance of personal information data, increase the public’s attention to data privacy on the Internet, and improve the awareness and protection of personal data security. Finally, it is also necessary to strengthen the enhancement of data security technology for every AI company and should enhance the relevant DIGITAL POLICY provisions and constraints on technology companies.

Fictional Jesus and the Maintenance of Social Stability and Public Safety

According to the research (Noble, 2018), we can determine that this landscape of search engines is important to consider in understanding the meaning of search for the public, and it serves as a basis for examining why information quality online is significant.

In this day and age, sometimes artificial intelligence acts as another search engine. ai Jesus acts as a religious Google-like presence, with the difference that he will give you tailored answers based on your situation, rather than the same answers.

On the one hand, the ability to respond to messages 24 hours a day and throughout the week allows users to have their emotions or problems addressed promptly, rather than having to go to a church or find a pastor to have a discussion, as is often the case. the Jesus AI can address this and also can explain itself very well to new, newly initiated Christian believers.

However, its personalized generated content can sometimes conflict with traditional religious beliefs or not conform to traditional religious answers. When these conflicts occur, it is difficult to detect whether the generated content is accurate or not. Because AI adds algorithms and combines collected data to make the generated content look credible.

For example, sometimes people go to a pastor to talk to him about their emotions and problems in life, and the pastor will combine experience with facts and with the individual to provide guidance. But AI can’t do that, every time you ask him the same question you may get a different answer every time. If the AI can’t be trained correctly, the questions are entered in the wrong way and in the wrong way. People don’t understand the need to train the AI, and if they believe in what the AI generates, they can easily make incorrect choices or behaviors based on the advice given by the AI.

In particular, Jesus AI is related to religion, and he can simulate human reactions and think about theology, which may lead to blind faith in believers, leading to bias or manipulation of the user’s mind and influencing their decision-making, which may lead to a change in the environment of social opinion.

Therefore, in this regard, attempts can be made to establish and improve the ethical and moral aspects of the religious aspects of AI and formulate relevant policies to regulate them. On the other hand, the public can be encouraged to exercise the algorithms of religious AI, especially religious organizations, and academic talents related to religion, to evolve the logic of the algorithms to moral and ethical aspects. So that this AI can continue to exist more quickly and ethically.

A social impact assessment team can be set up to conduct social wind insights to identify and prevent potential social divisions and public safety risks. Then, based on the results of the assessment, appropriate digital governance provisions and re-regulation can be developed to ensure a healthy and safe social environment.

With the popularity and rise of chatbots, more and more AIs are appearing in the public eye. ai Jesus, the latest AI based on religion made by ChatGPT-4, is perfectly in line with the trend of the times and has a very wide audience. It combines artificial intelligence and religion, based on algorithm and data technology, combined with a religious bibliography to generate automated answers, 24 hours without time and geographical limitations to answer the user’s questions, provide emotional value and religious science.

However, at the same time, there are also many challenges, such as the lack of transparency and fairness of AI algorithms: the security of user privacy and information that exists in the analysis of data; Jesus AI’s religious colors and the ability to encourage people’s hearts, and therefore the possibility of affecting the stability of society and public security.

The main lies in the development of standard indicators, clear policies laws, and regulations; regulation and risk assessment of social impact and producers, timely prevention and repair and regulation; enhancing public awareness and safeguarding their rights and interests.

We can see that there are still aspects of AI, automation, algorithms, and datafication that can be enhanced in society and that the proper implementation of AI regulation and governance is one of the most important challenges of our time. Digital policy and governance enhancements are imminent. We also look forward to the arrival of a sound digital regulation and evaluation system.


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