Virtual Games and Real Risks: Exploring the Ethical Boundaries of AI, Algorithms, and Datafication in Games.

Do you like playing video games? Are you a gamer? What have you paid for video games? Video games are known as the “ninth art” on the internet. In video game performances, video game players appear to be regarded as larger performers. (Smuts, 2005). The result of rapid technological development is that concepts such as AI, algorithms, datafication have already penetrated into daily life. The gaming industry is undoubtedly one of the most directly affected areas. In the gaming world, AI gives game characters with more vivid and realistic behavior patterns, they can engage in intelligent conversations with players and even establish emotional connections; Automation technology simplifies complex operations in video games, and automated cheating detection systems enhance player loyalty; Calculate the probability of results through datafication, and increase the excitement of the game process with unknowns.

However, behind this technological revelry, we also have to start examining the impact of these emerging technologies. Do they really bring players a better gaming experience as we wish? Or has it invisibly changed our gaming habits? Do video games affect our way of thinking and values? How much time, energy, and money did the player invest? While enjoying these innovations and advancements, players also need to critically consider the costs they have paid. Gain unlimited fun with reasonable efforts and promote the healthy development of the gaming industry.


Nowadays, with the popularization of the Internet and the continuous improvement of the electronic products, video games have become one of the first choices during the people’s leisure time. At the same time, players’ demands for the quality of the video games are rising.

Against this background, technologies such as AI, algorithms, and datafication are not just limited to traditional industries such as manufacturing and services, they also completely transforming the entire video game industry. A few years ago, Alpha Dog, the AI developed by Google, shocked the world by defeating the best professional Go player and reaching the top of the world. And now, these technologies can do even more.

Otome Game——Perfect Love

Speak of AI and otome games, we are not just talking about technology, but more about the integration of emotions, interaction, and culture. Otome games are highly popular for their unique emotional experiences and interactive features. Some modern otame games use more complex dialogue systems and emotion recognition functions to enhance the intelligence of characters. The application of these technologies enables characters to interact more flexibly with players, making more realistic responses based on their behavior and emotional state. The otome game “Love and Deepspace”, developed by the game company Papergames, is a 3D love game for near future fantasy. The game provides players with an immersive love experience through first person perspective, rich romantic interactions, and multi-sensory settings. The male protagonist of the game can have a direct conversation with the player, capturing specific words such as “boyfriend,” “husband,” and “I like you,” and they will provide related reactions to players. Characters will feel shy and happy when they receive love from players, feel sad when hearing sad things. Similarly, they will also convey love because their setting is to love players.

Otome Games provide female players with the imagined perfect love, establishing a deep emotional connection between players and characters. However, the negative consequences behind it cannot be ignored. Some players are too immersed in the game and ignored real life. From the perspective of production and consumption, this sector must be seen as a cultural industry in general, as a set of creative consumption and production methods (Andlauer, 2018). The games usually offer various top up packages, and many players will make purchases to get a better love experience. But some players consume expenses they cannot afford, spending money blindly without considering the consequences just for the joy; Or the mentality of comparison makes some players consume irrationally in order to “win” other players. In addition, the number of male characters in the same game is fixed and small, female players are countless, which inevitably leads to many people liking the same character. Not all players will accept having someone like their “boyfriend”, so there are many hate comments on the internet. They will publicly insult players who like the same character as themselves, refer to others as “third parties”, “bitch”, and even do more extreme things. Therefore, although AI has brought some innovation and improvement to the otome game, we also need to consider its existing problems and challenges.

Secrets behind the gacha game system

Gacha game has become a common part in the gaming industry, but it also has some controversy, especially when it involves the algorithms. The essence of a gacha game is for players to obtain random items, characters, or equipment within the game by spending virtual resources. However, players were not informed of the specific algorithm behind this randomness, which raised doubts about the fairness of the game. The popular gacha game Genshin Impact includes a guarantee drop mechanism. The guarantee drop mechanism is usually operated by a certain algorithm. Both passive data (such as location-based, clickstream, and social relationships) and active customer input (such as feedback) make up the database for algorithmic selection applications (Just & Latzer, 2017). When a player does not receive a five-star in this gacha, the probability of receiving a five-star rating in the next gacha will increases, and so on, until the probability becomes 100% (passive data), also players can select the desired weapon (active consumer input). Taking the specific character gacha pool as an example. The guaranteed pulls for this gacha pool are: players surely gain a five-star characters (highest quality) within 90 pull counts. But don’t get too excited just yet, there is a 50% chance that it will be a current limited character (what you want), and the other 50% chance is that it will be a regular five-star character. If you don’t get the specific character for the first time, you will definitely gain it next time, within 90 pull counts again. Algorithms make the results uncertain; some players enjoy experiencing the thrill of unknown results. With the idea of “maybe I’m lucky”, players spending a lot of money in gacha games to purchase virtual resources, or obtain these resources for free by completing tasks, which actually requires a lot of time and effort. Game developers can not only achieve sustained profits as a result, but also maintain the number of online players and the lifespan of the game.

It is worth noting that gacha games actually have a certain gambling nature. A study objectively measured participants’data on problem gambling, loot box fees, and other small transactions. The results of this study indicate a significant relationship between problem gambling and the use of loot boxes. Participants spend more money on the loot box the more seriously their gambling addiction is (Zendle & Cairns, 2018). Many players pursue virtual pleasure without evaluating the cost and return, which increases the risk of being manipulated.

(Zendle & Cairns, 2018)

The Mystery of Treasure Dropping in RPG Games

Some players may spend a lot of money on rare items, but get nothing in the end, leading to mental and financial losses. In many RPGs (role-playing games), drop probability is a key concept, which is also closely related to algorithms and datafication. Drop probability refers to the probability of obtaining rare items or equipment in a fight, which directly affects the player’s gaming experience and progress speed. Randomly obtaining rewards can lead to addiction. Because of the probabilistic outcomes, it is difficult for actors to visually determine whether their actions have succeeded or failed. Even if an action fails in one attempt, it does not necessarily mean that the action is infeasible. The actor will consider this to be a probability problem, and the next time it may not be the same result. This uncertainty means the punishment for a single failure is not obvious, instead of immediately changing their behavior habits, players will continue to do the same thing. Therefore, players are willing to spend a day just for a random result. Although players may regret wasting their time afterwards, the satisfaction at the moment of obtaining the desired item is also real, and the energy expended is also valuable. At the same time, game developers record various players’ behaviors in the game, game data, drop probability, and so on. By analyzing these data, they can understand the preferences and needs from players, formulate strategies, optimize game design, improve game experience, and make the game more attractive and playable. Overall, game companies should inform players more publicly about the drop probability information, refuse to make hidden changes, and protect players’ interests. At the same time, players need to play rationally and avoid excessive investment.


Playing video games is a way to relax, they help people release stress, but players need to learn to allocate their time wisely. All people should know the harm caused by excessive addiction to games. Firstly, while the gaming world may be exciting, real life is more important. It is not advisable to lower the quality of real life just for the achievement in the game. As a purchasing behavior in games, gaming top up can promote secreting the dopamine, allowing players to experience happiness and a sense of return. In addition, the money spent by players belongs to the “sunk cost”. Compared to not making any investment before, when people invest a certain amount of time, money, or effort in something, they are more willing to continue spending more money. In fact, consumption or not is just a strategic choice, but players should consider their affordability, make the purchase within a reasonable range. People can ask a few questions before making a purchase, such as, do I really need it? Will spending this money have an impact on my life? More importantly, do not become overly addicted to games. Pay more attention on other interests and hobbies such as reading, playing musical instruments, going out and interact with nature, and gathering with friends. When a person has a full sense of security, often obtains a sense of achievement in daily life, and enjoys being connected to the real world, there is no need to express unsatisfied needs by sucking into certain hobbies. Let players to play games instead of being played by games.


In summary,the progress brought by technologies such as AI and datafication to games is significant. AI makes game characters have human’s behavior and decision-making abilities, interact with players, and contribute to the overall gaming experience. In some interactive games, such as otome games, it is important that AI can provide players with a more realistic and perfect love experience. But this will also lead to players becoming too obsessed with game characters and doing various harmful things that are not benefit to themselves and the online society: players spending all their money recklessly; Some players have a strong possessiveness, hoping that their favorite characters only belong to themselves. They hate other people who like this character and spread hate and comparison comments online. The datafication are based on analyzing player gaming behavior and result to optimize the game system. By collecting and analyzing data, developers can understand player preferences patterns, adjust the drop probability and game content, improve player satisfaction. At the same time, players can experience the joy of facing unknown possibilities, similar to the gambler psychology. When after costing a lot and finally obtain the desired equipment through drop probability, players’ satisfaction is also positive feedback. However, players cannot confirm that the game’s probability setting is fair. If developers make hidden changes, most players may need to pay more to get what they want, although the unknown results may excite some people, the cost is also enormous. The rarer the thing, the lower the probability of it appearing, which means that players need to spend more money and time gambling on an uncertain outcome. Although video games are interesting, players still need to havd clear mind and not lose the direction.


Andlauer. (2018). Pursuing one’s own prince: Love’s fantasy in Otome game contents and fan practice. Mechademia: Second Arc, 11(1), 166.

Ganzon, S. C. (2019). Growing the otome game market: Fan labor and Otome Game Communities Online. Human Technology, 15(3), 347–366.

Just, N., & Latzer, M. (2017). Governance by algorithms: Reality construction by algorithmic selection on the internet. Media, Culture & Society, 39(2), 238–258.

Smuts, A. (2005). Are Video Games Art? Contempoary Aesthetics (Journal Archive), 3 , Article 6.

Zendle, D., & Cairns, P. (2018). Video Game Loot Boxes Are Linked to Problem Gambling: Results of a Large-Scale Survey.

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